
What is a ritual bath?

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Behind that extravagant name, nothing to be afraid of, a ritual bath is only an energy cleanse done by immerging yourself in water. As everything spiritual, it has to be done with intention, with purpose. It can be something like “this bath will make my mind clearer and will help me release my dark thoughts.”
 You can design your own way of doing it as long as it is done with intention. All you need is bath tub, warm water and salt at minimum. Sea bath are also perfect if you are lucky enough to live by the sea.

Why doing an energy cleanse?

As we go through our everyday life, our energy field vibration fluctuates. It can be lowered by external influences such as an encounter with a negative person, a stressful shopping day, self-depreciation, and the list goes on and on… You get the idea; our energy field is polluted by energies that lower our vibration. When you vibrate low, all you attract is crap!
Even if don’t have a spiritual practice, give it a try, at worst you will be more relaxed.

How often should I take one?

I’ve read once a month. Personally, if I’m feeling exhausted and sucked out of all life forces sometimes I cannot even meditate, so for me it’s a weekly treat. I need a deep relaxation to force me to reconnect to myself and my body. After a long stressful day in Paris for example, I sometimes take a foot bath with sea salt, Epsom salt and lavender oil. It works wonders for highly empathic people. Taking time to be aware of your body and get your mind out of your obsessive thoughts will be a deserved time off. Feel free to add crystals, candles, essential oils, music, soft lights….

My personal recipe:

  1. Set the mood. I like romantic bath for myself, because hey, who better than myself to do romantic gesture? I light one red candle and a scented one (always natural wax one to be safe about toxic emanation). I like to choose a fragrance that will help me heal the chakra I have trouble with at the time. Sometime I even light incense.
  2. Fill the bathtub with warm water and add 1 handful of sea salt, and 1 handful of Epsom Salt. Make sure everything dissolves well.
  3. Raise the vibe. I usually add my favorite crystals (rose quartz, amethyst, Labradorite) to invite their energy around me. I try not to choose “new” stones that I am not familiar with yet. Sometimes I even get flowers around, just because I love being around beautiful things.
  4. Get your snack. I just love to sip herbal tea in my bath and munch on some fruits. I usually stay two hours there so if you are like me, stay hydrated!! I know your ass is already in the water but hot water will make you dehydrated so get a drink (avoid alcohol as it usually lowers your vibration).
  5. Finally, add oils and don’t forget that most essential oils cannot be use directly on the skin. Just to be sure, double check. I usually use monoi or lavender oil, it makes my skin looks yummy. If I’m feeling fancy, I even through some bubble bath in. All of that is optional, just try to “treat yourself” once in a while and splurge on good products.
  6. Get in your bath, without any distraction. Be mindful. No books, no videos, no text, only music if you feel like it. Take this time to reconnect with yourself and hear your higher self. You need to get along with your body, that is the only one you will get for this life. Be nice to yourself, maybe try to talk out loud about your day. Having a dialogue with yourself can help see more clearly the damaging patterns in your life.

Enjoy that ME time! Allow yourself to respect your body and mind. You deserve to spend time for yourself doing absolutely nothing.

Soon to come – stay tune for my Aphrodite devotee bath: becomes the love magnet you deserve to be.


Founder and chief-editor of Venusian Guru

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