


“Happiness comes first” is a saying that always comes off as selfish for it is something we often deny ourselves. There is a misconception about happiness that makes it sounds like something unreachable. It takes a lot of self-awareness to know what is your own happiness in this technological age. We never allow the roots of happiness to be seen because it simply sounds too basic to be right.


Does “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” rings a bell for you? Yes, if the basic needs are not fulfilled we can’t reach higher level of satisfaction. Are we as comfortable as we think we are? After many years in Japan, one of the most developed country in the World, I concluded that happiness often couldn’t be find for those whom deny themselves basic needs. We tend to focus our energy on “higher” priorities such as status and outward appearance. If you want to fit in you have to keep the high pace of sleepless nights working at the office and chronic alcohol binging. I’ve found astonishing to learn that my friends denied themselves fresh food or health care just so they would be able to get that Gucci bag.
We all tend to deny happiness to ourselves as it looks far from reach, forgetting we have to root mental health on a fertile ground. We always want more and nothing is never enough. Things as simple as sleep quality and a healthy food intake makes being happy a way simpler job. Be your own mother and ask yourself “If I was my child what would I do for myself.” Never be too hard on yourself, love and care are something you must give unconditionally to yourself in order to reach happiness.

Answering to your needs is key in making yourself happy. As an intuitive astrologer I always look at people’s Moon to answer their questions about happiness. In any relationship your needs to be met to a certain point to feel safe enough to trust the other. Maybe you want a young and pretty girlfriend but you can also choose to be blind to the fact that you need someone who brings you a sense of security to feel loved. (as always balance and compromise is key). By relationship, I also mean the relationship you have with yourself. Underlining your needs should be the priorities you want to meet. Once you feel at peace within yourself it is so much easier to manifest what you WANT in life.

(Learn more about your Moon sign soon on this website.)

From one person to another needs can be totally different that is why it is hard to feel a sense of belonging. We should learn to let others the space needed to feel at ease but more than anything else we shouldn’t shy away from standing our grounds when it comes to our needs.


I often ask myself “what if what I want is not good for me?” As a true Libra Queen, I doubt my intentions more than I doubt others’. “What if the life I am manifesting is not for my higher good?” “What if I am walking on the wrong path?” “What is my life purpose?” “Where should I focus my energy?”
It came to a point where I totally forgot who I was and what I wanted for all I knew was I wanted to be Happy. That is the best starting point you can have in your quest for purpose “Do what makes you happy.” Simple yet efficient.

The hardest part is learning how to stay deaf to others criticism. Selfishness is a low vibration word that unconfident people uses to drag you to their level of unhappiness. Don’t fall in the trap as hard as it is to stand your ground on what makes you happy. As shallow as it sounds for them, if it makes you happy do it, you are on the right way. Being happy, whatever is the reason why, leads to your own purpose. There are hints of what could be your best life in everything you love. Fuck taboos and society standards, if your intention is making yourself happy you are winning at life.

The shame put behind the label of your wants is also your worst enemy. Everything that you want is seeking you back, everything you are attracted to is resonating with a part of your soul. The inspiration is never random. Your heart follows what is best for you. That feeling of “I want more of that” is helping you to put the finger on what you “should” do to feel your best self.

We are at the Age of Aquarius, fuck the norm, fuck standards, what you love should be what you do full time. At least, that is the lesson I am learning know and I hope to be able to tell you more about it when I master the subject in my own life.


Meet your needs without compromising your own sense of nurturing. To grow up and blossom you need to stand on a fertile ground. Accept yourself for who you are without censure, society will choke your individuality if you let it rules your sense of value. And finally, follow your happiness, what makes you happy is what you are good at and what gives taste to life.
Never forget that everyone is a special blend, your happiness has a different flavor and color to your neighbor’s. Winning at life is being happy being who you are. Everything follows when the heart sings.